New Resources for a New Semester!

At, we have been building up our holdings of interactive data-related resources that can be used to bring data into the classroom and challenge students to improve their quantitative literacy. These resources and other interactive data-related materials can be located on the main page of by selecting “Tools for analysis, visualization, and course development” under “Instructor Resources.”

Three of the recent additions to the repository include:
  • Data Resource Center for Child & Adolescent Health State Snapshot which offers state ranking maps comparing each state to the national average on key Child Health Indicators from the National Survey of Children's Health (NSCH) and the National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs (NS-CSHCN). 
  • Pew Research Center Social Trends Interactives offers a variety of data visualization tools with varying degrees of interactivity. All resources are based on data that they have gathered. One example is “Race in America: Tracking 50 years of Demographic Trends,” a tool that allows the user to select a dimension like Life Expectancy, Marriage, and Poverty upon which to build the chart and displays the change over time by race. It also generates a table of the specified variable by year and race. 
  • Bureau of Justice Statistics Dynamic Data Tools offers ten of its dataset including Arrest Data and Federal Criminal Case Processing Statistics, in formats that allow the user to generate statistics, create tables of variables that they select, and in some cases, access “Quick Tables” of BJS-selected variables. There is also information on the study’s methodology, definitions of the variables, and other documentation.

     We hope that you have a great semester! 

Read more:
Sue Hodge

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  1. " These resources and other interactive data-related materials can be located on the main page of by selecting “Tools for analysis, visualization, and course development” under “Instructor Resources.” "

    I followed this link and it brought up only one site: DataCounts! by SSDAN.

    I'll use the direct links instead to find these resources. They look really helpful!

    1. Thank you so much for your observation, Mike. We have corrected the tagging problem and users should be able to see and access all 75 of the new resources.

      Thanks again!
