Colorado's Recall Election on Gun Control

A recent Pew Research Center report in FacTankon the recall election in Colorado on Tuesday, September 10, analyst, Drew DeSilver said that the successful election against two Democratic state senators, one of whom was the president of the state senate, shows the divide in the electorate on the gun control issue. The data upon which the findings are based are taken from monthly opinions polls fielded by Pew Research Center for the People and the Press. The most recent survey was taken from May 1 to May 5, 2013 of a national sample of 1,504 adult Americans by landline and cell phone interviews. 

The chart shows the change in response to the question "Which do you this is more important: to control gun ownership or to protect the rights of Americans to own guns?" After the school shooting in Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT, in December, 2012, public opinion for protecting gun rights dropped slightly from 46% to 42% but has since grown to 48% with public opinion in support of gun control remaining roughly at 50%.  

Pew Research Center for the People and the Press offers these data in an interactive chart tool which allows the user view them in a line chart with a demographic variable that they select.   The tool can be reached through  at .

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Sue Hodge

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