Research paper competition winners announced

ICPSR is pleased to announce the winners of our 2012 Research Paper Competitions.

Quentin Karpilow of Kenyon College won the Undergraduate Competition with his paper
"Racial and Ethnic Threats in Pretrial Release Processing." The paper used State Court Processing Statistics, 1990-2006, County Characteristics (2000-2007), 1998 and 2000 Uniform Crime Reports, and the 1999 National Jail Census to examine pretrial release outcomes for adult defendants charged with drug felonies according to their racial or ethnic backgrounds and various community and incarceration settings. Karpilow was a 2011 ICPSR Summer Intern and has earned a B.A. in Mathematics and Economics. This paper was selected as the second-place winner of the 2012 North Central Sociological Association Student Paper Competition for Undergraduates.

Zornitsa Kalibatseva of Michigan State University won the Master's Competition with her paper
"A Symptom Profile Analysis of Depression in a Nationally Representative Sample of Asian Americans." The study uses the National Comorbidity Survey to examine the differences in symptoms of depression between Asian Americans and European Americans.

The first-place award in the
Resource Center for Minority Data Paper Competition was won by Amanda Mireles of Princeton University for her paper "Cultural Capital Investments: Concerted Cultivation and the Academic Achievement of Hispanic Kindergarten Students." Mireles analyzed data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study to measure academic achievement of Hispanic students. She earned a B.A. with High Honors in Sociology, received Certificates of Proficiency in African American Studies and Latino Studies, and is the recipient of the 2011 Isidore Brown Thesis Award for this paper.

Second-place in the RMCD competition went to Danae Ross of Wayne State University for her paper
"Black Feminism and Hip Hop: A Cross-Generational Disconnect." The paper used the 1993 National Black Politics Study to investigate the impact of a strong feminist perspective on the likelihood of listening to rap music among black women. Ross is a McNair Scholar, has earned a B.A. with High Honors in English and Sociology, and has been accepted in the Ph.D. program in African Diaspora Studies at the University of California at Berkeley. This paper was selected as the third-place winner for the 2012 North Central Sociological Association Student Paper Competition for Undergraduates.

The first-place winners received $1,000; the second-place prize is $750. All the papers used data from the ICPSR or RCMD archive.

ICPSR is holding
three competitions this year:
All competitions are open to undergraduate and master's students, and recent graduates. See the competition Web site for details. Deadline for submissions is January 31, 2013.
Sue Hodge

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