Reestablishing Ties with Cuba

With U.S-Cuba relations improving to the point of reopening the Cuban embassy in Washington D.C., the Pew Research Center reports that public opinion has never been stronger for friendly relations between the two nations. 73% of Americans now support reestablishing diplomatic ties with Cuba, an increase of 10% since January 2015. A similar size majority favors ending the trade embargo, up two-thirds in the same time frame.

Conservative Republicans represent the group with the largest change in opinion on re-establishing diplomatic relations with a 19% increase in support from January to July 2015. In general, 56% of Republicans, 83% of Democrats, and 75% of Independents support reestablishment of diplomatic relations.
Another issue with a large change in opinion is the ending of the 55-year trade embargo. Compared to January, there has been a 6% total change in opinion (66 to 72). All three major groups are in favor of ending the embargo with 59% of Republicans, 72% of Independents, and 82% of Democrats supporting new trade policies. Once again, the largest change comes from conservative Republicans, with a 15% increase in approval over the dissolution of the embargo since January.
Most Liberal Democrats See Cuba Becoming More Democratic; Republicans Are Skeptical
The report further reflects a change in opinion over whether Cuba will become more democratic over the next several years or not. 43% of Americans now think that Cuba will become more democratic, up from 32% in January 2015. Similar to re-establishing relationships and ending the embargo, Republicans are more skeptical with only 33% believing that Cuba will become more democratic 

A Foster

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