Record One In 30 U.S. Children Is Homeless, According to Latest Report

A report just issued by the National Center on Family Homelessness, "America's Youngest Outcasts," presents the latest figures on child homelessness in the United States.  The report is based on over a dozen established data sets and the most recent federal data that comprehensively counts homeless children.

According to the report, in the wake of the Great Recession, the number of children lacking homes rose from 1.2 in 2007 to 1.6 million in 2010. The number increased 8-10 percent in 31 states and the District of Columbia between 2012 and 2013 to reach 2.5 million (or one in every 30 U.S. children) in 2013 -- a historic high.  California accounts for more than one-fifth of the homeless children population.

The National Center on Family Homelessness also ranked states according to a composite score that reflects each state's overall performance across four domains: prevalence of child homelessness; child well-being; risk for child homelessness; and state policy planning and efforts.  Minnesota, Nebraska, and Massachussetts ranked highest, while California, Mississippi, and Alabama ranked lowest.

The authors explain that:
"Major causes of homelessness for children in the U.S. include: (1) the nation’s high poverty rate; (2) lack of affordable housing across the nation; (3) continuing impacts of the Great Recession; (4) racial disparities; (5) the challenges of single parenting; and (6) the ways in which traumatic experiences, especially domestic violence, precede and prolong homelessness for families. 
The impact of homelessness on the children, especially young children, is devastating and may lead to changes in brain architecture that can interfere with learning, emotional self-regulation, cognitive skills, and social relationships. The unrelenting stress experienced by the parents, most of whom are women parenting alone, may contribute to residential instability, unemployment, ineffective parenting, and poor health."

Read more: resources:
Homelessness: A Data-Driven Learning Guide (

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1 comment :

  1. This is so sad. Poor kids, it’s not their fault. And to think that people keep adopting kids from other countries. I really hope there is a chance for these kids. Government should help them getting education so they can find a decent job in the future. I could recommend studying remotely through My Admission Essay Writing if there is a possibility to get Internet access. Sadly, tuition keeps rising and low-income families are at a disadvantage. Not to mention homeless kids. Let’s hope there is a chance for them. Anyway, thank you for this research.
