Gender and Politics: Can Women Make a Difference in the Midterm Elections?

The results of a new Wall Street Journal/ NBC News poll, discussed in a recent Wall Street Journal article, indicate that voters' views of President Obama and Congress are divided along gender and age lines.

According to the poll, support for the president is highest among women ages 18-49: 46 percent of them report positive feelings.  Men of all ages and women older than 50, on the other hand, are more likely to report negative feelings toward the president.

Women in general, and those between the ages of 18 and 49 in particular, also say they would favor a Democrat-controlled Congress in the fall.

Nationally, the voting age population leans toward women--it is 51.4% female and 48.5% male--and women tend to turn out to vote in higher numbers than men.  This could be good news for Democrats, especially in some close Senate races in states like Georgia and North Carolina where women outnumber men by 30,000 to 140,000 in the 18- to 49-year-old age range.  As Dante Chinni explains in the article, "the Democrats' appeal to women could have an impact in some states where the demographics work better for the party and its Senate candidates. That could be crucial in stemming any Democratic losses in November when every race looks like it will matter."

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