In 2013, Americans Exercise Less

In a recent report from the Gallup and Healthways survey, Well-Being Index, which tracks well being in the US, it was found that fewer Americans engaged in frequent physical activity in 2013 than in 2012. The report is based on the Well-Being Index that was fielded from June 1 through June 30, 2013 and surveyed 15,235 American adults from all parts of the country.

Gallup and Healthways have been monitoring US adults’ exercise habits since January, 2008, and over time, have found that exercise is seasonal and tends to decline when the weather gets cold, such as in the fall and winter. However in 2012, more Americans reported exercising frequently than previously. This seemed to relate to last year’s unusually warm temperatures. The report proposes that Americans’ exercise behaviors may have returned to normal along with the temperatures. 

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Sue Hodge

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