The Best Places for a Working Woman

According to The Economist, the United States ranks 12th out of 26 wealthy countries for a woman to work. The results were determined using five indicators including how many men and women who had secondary education, the percentage of women who participate in the labor force, the gap between the earnings of men and women, the proportion of women in high level positions, and the cost of child care compared to the average wage. 
New Zealand came in first place, followed by Norway, Sweden, Canada, and Australia. Although Finland placed 7th overall, it performed the best on measures regarding education. In Sweden, 78% of women participate in the labor force marking the highest rate out of all 26 countries. In Spain, the wage gap was only 6%, the lowest among all the countries. In contrast, Japan and South Korea were ranked quite low because there are few women in the country who hold high level senior positions.

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  1. Spanish Language is important for everyone. Spanish language is become one of the most famous language in the world.

  2. I think I know why Japan and South Korea were at the bottom. They favor their male sons to do and run the business than females. So I guess females there won't bother much about education...

    Tim Jones, Spokane
