Business Subsidies throughout the US

The New York Times compiled a database of incentives granted by cities, counties, and states to businesses.  Across the country, various levels of government granted $80.4 billion across 1,874 programs created to promote business.  The state with the highest percentage of business incentives per dollar in the state budget was Texas, with $0.51 for every dollar going to business incentives.  The states with the largest spending per capita were Alaska, West Virginia, and Nebraska (with $991, $845, $763 per capita respectively -- Texas ranked close with $759 per capita).

In addition, this resource lists the programs that each states employ and the companies that receive the most from these programs (to begin by looking at Texas, click here).  The New York Times also compiled a list of the 48 companies that gained more than $100 million since 2007 due to these programs; companies that topped the list of 48 were GM, Shell, and Ford, although some 5,000 more companies received more than $1 million in grants in the same time frame.

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