The Gallop Economic Confidence Index determines monthly
averages of economic confidence by averaging Americans' interpretation of
current economic conditions and their future expectations for the US economy.
Although in November more Americans viewed the economy as "poor" (38%) than "excellent" or "good" (17%) and the net score of Americans' opinions of
the current US economy was negative (-11), the average rating of the current US
economic conditions in November was the highest it had been since March 2008
(-20). Additionally, while more
Americans believe that the US economy is getting worse (50%) rather than better
(45%) for an economic outlook net score of (-5), the economic outlook score is
steadily improving.
Therefore, while Americans' assessment of the current economy and their
economic outlook is bleak, it is the best it has been nearly five years.
Certain subgroups of the American population are more
confident in the US economy.
Notably, Democrat (30), Black (30), Hispanic (6), and 18-29 year old (3)
Americans reported the highest levels of confidence in the US economy, whereas married
(-20), elderly (-23) White (-23) and Republican (-59) Americans
expressed the least confidence in the US economy.
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