Demographics and Leanings of Nonvoters

By choosing not to vote, nonvoters will influence the upcoming election, but with a great deal of media attention on just who is voting, Pew Research Center releases a survey describing those who choose not to come to the polls.

Back in 2008, nonvoters made up 43% of the population of those who could vote.  The current nonvoting population, which strongly favors Obama at 59%, strongly differs from the likely voting population which is split at 47% for both candidates.

Independents make up the largest proportion of nonvoters with 44%, whereas only 27% of likely voters have described themselves as independent.  More Democrats than Republicans are nonvoters, 29% and 17% respectively, while they are locked in a near tie among the likely voting population, 35% and 34% respectively.

In addition, Pew released another table describing gender, religion, and income here.  Key notes show that those with higher incomes are more likely to be voters than nonvoters, that men are more likely than women to be considered as nonvoters, younger voters are more likely nonvoters, and that the category of nonvoters is more likely to be Hispanic.


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