American Indian Student Performance Suffers

The National Center for Education Statistics recently released its National Indian Education Study 2011, which tracks trends in American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN) educational performance.  Schoolchildren in grades 4 and 8 across America take the National Assessment of Educational Progress, and their scores highlight the growing disparity in performance between AIAN and non-AIAN children.  While reading scores from 2005 to 2011 remained largely unchanged (AIAN students still lag behind non-AIAN in reading scores, however), the gap in scores on the mathematics portion of the test continues to widen.  In 2011, 4th grade AIAN students scored 16 points lower than non-AIAN students, compared to 12 points lower in 2005.  8th grade AIAN students scored 19 points less than non-AIAN students, a gap that has increased 4 points since 2005.  The study points to several factors that may influence these children’s educational performance.  83% of AIAN 8th graders have a computer at home, compared to 93% of non-AIAN 8th grade students, and only 50% of AIAN 8th graders have over 25 books at home, 13 percentage points lower than the average non-AIAN 8th grade student.

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