Female Economic Advancement

The Economist's recent Graphic Detail post "Where to Be Female" discusses the results of the annual Women’s Economic Opportunity Index recently published by the Economist Intelligence Unit.  According to the report published by the Economist Intelligence Unit, "women are a key driver of economic growth" as their entry into the workforce has coincided with GDP growth in both the United States and Europe, yet "nearly one-half of working women are not currently active in the formal global economy."  The Women’s Economic Opportunity Index seeks to assess women's entry into the workforce and economic advancement using data released by a variety of major international organizations, including the United Nations and International Monetary Fund.  The Index ranges from 0 to 100 (100 being most favorable) and ranks 128 different countries.  As the chart from the Economist’s website shows (below), Sweden received the most favorable ranking of 90.4, followed by Norway and Finland at 88.3 and 88.2 respectively.  The United States was ranked 14th at 78.4, only slightly below the United Kingdom, which was ranked 13th at 78.9.  Sudan and Chad received the worse ranking (128th and 127th) with scores of 19.2 and 23.3 respectively.


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