Despite Gains in Election, Republicans Viewed as Unfavorably as Democrats

Although their sweeping electoral gains would appear to suggest otherwise, the GOP was viewed in a negative light among a majority of voters in the 2010 midterm election, according to the Pew Research Center. The findings suggest that the election results represented more a rejection of the status quo than a vote of confidence in the Republican Party.

Voters viewed the two political parties equally unfavorably: 52% had an unfavorable view of Republicans versus 42% who had a positive view, as compared with 53% and 43%, respectively, concerning Democrats.

The Democratic Party, then, was likely punished as the Party currently in power at a time when a majority of voters are frustrated with the federal government's performance--and not because more voters had a positive view of the GOP. 50% of voters were very worried about the economic situation, with another 36% somewhat worried; 62% said the country was on the wrong track; 74% said they were either angry or dissatisfied with the federal government; 73% disapproved of the job Congress is doing; and 54% disapproved of President Obama's performance.

These groups predominantly voted Republican: 71% of those who said the economy was in poor condition; 75% of those who thought the government was on the wrong track; and 86% of those who disapproved of President Obama's performance.

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