Ending Extreme Poverty by 2030

In a recent report from Yahoo News, Eric Pfeiffer said that it is possible to end extreme poverty by the year 2030, according to a report from the Brookings Institution, "The Final Countdown: Prospects for Ending Extreme Poverty by 2030."  The report defines extreme poverty as "living on less than $1.25 a day."  Presently, more than 1 billion people worldwide live in extreme poverty which is half as many as were in this condition in 1990.  

The data for the report was taken from the World Bank's PovalCal Net which contains survey data on household income from 126 of the 129 developing nations. The three countries that were not surveyed, Marshall Islands, the West Bank and Gaza, and Micronesia are excluded from the report. A fully detailed report on the data analysis is available in the Technical Appendix of the report.

TeachingWithData.org offers several tools for teaching and learning about issues related to global support, income, employment, and housing:

OECD Interactive charts- Aid statistics by donor, recipient, and sector: http://teachingwithdata.org/resource/3877
Gallup Interactive: Global Employment Tracking:  http://teachingwithdata.org/resource/3898
The Economist Interactive: Global Housing Prices: http://teachingwithdata.org/resource/3904
The Economist Interactive: Currency Comparison Tool:  http://teachingwithdata.org/resource/3905

Read more:
Yahoo News article:  http://news.yahoo.com/new-report-says-extreme-poverty-could-be-eliminated-by-2030-023809373.html
Yahoo News:  http://news.yahoo.com/
Eric Pfeiffer:  http://news.yahoo.com/author/eric-pfeiffer/
Brookings Institutions:  http://www.brookings.edu/
The Final Countdown (website):  http://www.brookings.edu/research/interactives/2013/ending-extreme-poverty#poverty_scenarios
The Final Countdown (pdf):  http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/research/files/reports/2013/04/ending%20extreme%20poverty%20chandy/the_final_countdown
Sue Hodge

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